Entering MS Course Requests via Campus Parent for the 2025-2026 School Year
Please use the steps below to enter your child’s 6th grade Music and World Language selections into the Course Registration module on Campus Parent.
The Course Registration module will be available from Wednesday February 5th through
Sunday February 9th.
The Sixth Grade Elective Course Descriptions document is included within the message for your reference.
For Music and World Language, please enter a course choice.
Entering Course Requests:
Log in to Campus Parent.
Select the three horizontal lines in the upper left of the screen, more from the left-hand column, and then Course Registration.
Select 25-26 John Jay Middle School under the Course Registration Enrollments tab.
To select the World Language and Music courses, please:
Select Add Course to get started. The list of available courses will appear.

Select the blue + to the left of the course that you would like to add, after which you will be prompted as in the screen below.
Select Request if this is the child’s language/music choice.
Select Cancel if the selection was made in error.
The course that was selected now displays with REQ (for choice).(The red X displays as well and can be used to delete the course if needed.)

Repeat the steps above to select the next course.
Please disregard the % Complete and Units indicator at the top of the screen, as they are based on a full day of courses.
Once you have selected the music and language you are done, and the list is automatically saved.
To remove a course that was selected accidentally, select the red X to the left of the course name.
To (optionally) print the list of selected courses, select Back from the screen which displays the completed list, and then select Print at the bottom of the screen. A PDF file is generated, which can then be saved and/or printed.
Need Assistance?
For questions regarding Campus Parent access, please send an email to parentportal@klschools.org
For questions regarding courses, please call the Counseling Center at (914) 763-7510.