Enjoy the just-released District Newsletter—Celebrations and Special Guests: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/celebrations-and-special-guests

Meet our new interim assistant principal - https://secure.smore.com/n/t17wb

Important information regarding the upcoming spring modified athletic season.
Athletic Registration: FinalForms for Modified sports will open on Monday, February 24. To ensure that your student-athlete is eligible to try out on Tuesday, April 1st, please be sure to complete the FinalForms registration process no later than Monday, March 24.
Modified Spring Sports Interest Meeting: There will be a modified spring sports interest meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 3 PM in the middle school’s new gym. Your child should attend this meeting if interested in playing a modified sport. The meeting will conclude in time for students to take the 4:15PM late bus.
Tryouts for Modified Sports: Tuesday, April 1
Modified Spring Sports offerings are Baseball, Boy’s Lacrosse, Girl’s Lacrosse, Softball, Track & Field. Practice Schedules will be posted in the coming weeks through our Athletic Calendar and Final Forms.

School will be in session on Friday, April 11, due to the snow day on February 6.

Enjoy the District's Winter 2025 Newsletter: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/winter25

Submissions for the District's PreKindergarten Lottery will be received January 2 through February 6. Find out more and access the application here: https://www.klschools.org/page/prek-program

Best wishes for a wonderful winter recess. Enjoy the District's December newsletter: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/holiday-read-48316

John Jay High School is planning a shift to block scheduling in September 2025 designed to allow more time for learning and make school more manageable for students. The schedule will include four 82-minute blocks each day and a 60-minute common lunch. Access December 18 webinar recording about this change: https://klschools.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=c0a47034-58ff-44ff-9af1-b24b00dedc7e&start=3

New stop-arms and cameras are being installed on all KLSD buses in partnership with Westchester County and BusPatrol. The photo enforcement program comes at no cost to the District and tickets drivers who illegally pass a bus when the red lights are flashing.

We are thankful for each one of you! Read the District newsletter - The Gratitude Edition - here: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/the-gratitude-edition

Please be patient if you are corresponding with KLSD via email. Microsoft is experiencing outages and is working on the problem.

JJMS students will be performing It's A Wonderful Life at the following show times at the JJMS theater:
11/21- 7PM
11/22 - 7PM
11/23- 1PM & 7PM

Enjoy KLSD's newsletter - Falling into Learning: Autumn Highlights, here: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/falling-for-learning-autumn-highlights-42967

Read the District's September Newsletter: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/building-belonging-in-our-schools

JJMS Spirit Week is September 16-20th! https://secure.smore.com/n/85c3un

September 6th, Weekly Recap. https://secure.smore.com/n/xmena

7th & 8th grade parent volunteers needed for August 27th. https://secure.smore.com/n/9sz14

Call for 8th Grade Volunteers. https://secure.smore.com/n/x4qh2

The Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Thursday, August 8, 2024 for a brief public session in order to vote on awarding a bid for the Installation of the Playground Equipment at JJMS. The meeting will be devoted only to voting on this item; therefore, the meeting will not be recorded or live-streamed.