6th Grade Elective Course Description
Each of the following music courses meets for one class period on alternate days for the full year.
Band 6 - This course is for students who wish to continue study with their band instrument. Sixth grade band will lead students to develop new skills on their instrument and experience a wide range of exciting new musical pieces. Students will attend large ensemble instruction as well as weekly small group lessons. Students will showcase their learning at two evening concerts.
Orchestra 6 - This course is for students who wish to continue study with their string instrument. Orchestra in sixth grade will challenge students to learn new techniques and improve their ability through the performance of a diverse range of exciting musical pieces. Students will attend large ensemble instruction as well as weekly small group lessons. Students will showcase their learning at two evening concerts.
Choir 6 - This course is for students who love to sing in a choir. Students will sing a variety of exciting music, genres, and languages to increase their appreciation of all kinds of music. Students will develop skills to enhance teamwork, learn about music history and theory, and will read music using solfege music syllables. Students will showcase their learning at two evening concerts.
Discovering Music 6 - This course is for students who choose to explore music beyond traditional performance ensembles. Students will use Garage Band and Finale to create music for multiple purposes including academic presentations, public service announcements, movie soundtracks and holiday celebrations. Students create digital portfolios to share their work.
Lessons (For Band and Orchestra)
Students are assigned 8 lessons in a 12-week trimester. In most cases, students only miss the same class one time per trimester when attending their weekly required lessons. Lesson make-ups are available once a week, after school or by appointment. Lessons offer an opportunity for students to focus on work that cannot happen in the larger ensemble setting. Examples include: work on individual technique specific to their instrument; one-on-one with the teacher; an opportunity for students to meet in sections to work collaboratively on their repertoire; and individualized assessment during lessons on scales, rhythms, and repertoire. Lessons offer an opportunity for differentiated instruction as students work on skills beyond grade-level repertoire, such as NYSSMA solos and All County.
World Language
Please decide if your child has a strong preference for French, Latin, or Spanish.
This is a 3- year commitment that cannot be changed once the school year begins. The 6-12 World Language program centers on developing the skills to become proficient in the language if studied through to graduation. Students in these courses have authentic in-school experiences. In addition, they develop an appreciation of the cultural aspects of the countries where that language is spoken.
*Please note, while most MS students study a language and music, some students will need to take these classes on a modified schedule due to other needs that take precedence such as special education support.