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6th Grade Meet & Greet /24.25
July 24, 2024
Dear Sixth Grade Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to John Jay Middle School! To celebrate the beginning of your middle school experience, we cordially invite you to see old friends and meet new ones at our "Meet & Greet" on Tuesday, August 27th from 4:00pm — 5:30pm at JJMS.
Schedule of Events
4:00 p.m. All families arrive and enter through the Dining Room door.
Students will report to assigned classrooms by team and alphabetically by last name:
Aspire | A-L | M-Z |
Exuberance | A-L | M-Z |
Excelsior | A-L | M-Z |
Progress | A-L | M-Z |
Zest | A-L | M-Z |
4:15 p.m. Parents will be escorted to the Theater for a meeting with the JJMS administrators.
4:35 p.m. 6th Grade students will visit their lockers and go on a building tour.
5:05 p.m. Parents and students can walk the building together and/or have refreshments and mingle in the Dining Room.
5:30 p.m. School closes for the day.
Our PTO will be providing a light snack and water in the Dining Room. You will be receiving a communication from the district about how to access and print your child’s schedule and locker combination. Team information and locker combinations can be found on the Parent Portal before the event. Please print this information and bring it with you on the 27th. We hope you can join us!
We understand some of you may not be able to attend on this date due to vacations, etc. We will make the building available later that week for you to visit so please save the dates of August 28-30. We will communicate specific time windows with you as we get closer to those dates.
Your JJMS Principals